Sunday, February 22, 2009

configuring and building DIY PC 2

we need to know how to identify the appropriate specifications.
the easiest way is to test wether the desktop run perfectly with top rated games which require high end specifications... but this will not help us much in regards of learning because we need a ready-built unit or simply copy the spec from the ready-built PCs...

my real intention is to master on how to identify the specifications. what i used to do is firstly get the pricelist handouts from computer outlets which sell many peripherals partly... Lowyat Plaza is the best place. if we can't go there, just surf Lowyat.Net and download the pricelists. these pricelists normally is revised weekly...

example of peripherals pricelist

the pricelist will be used as an initial consideration on which peripheral to choose. higher price and bigger numbers can be roughly identify as better performance but it is not absolute... just for an initial consideration... put aside the affordability matters... we are now learning to master the specifications...

to be continued.......


  1. ape bende 2??
    agak pending r ble bce..

  2. just dropped by to ur blog. nice entry!

    btw, i heard u'll be coming back to campus on next July intake? is it true>?

  3. actually i've been told to postpone the programme and renew my General Application... but the Major there ask me to finish my RAdar Tech Course which is next March for about 14 months...

    so... i will not come back to continue the programme this July...

  4. aku rindu ko la...
    pulang la cpt...

  5. aku pon rindu giler kt korg... wallpaper pn pakai pic kelas wlaupun aku tkde dlm pic tue... eekekekee

    aku mmg tkleh blk aa... korg nk grad nnt baru bole kut... sob sob...
